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Bath that gives any adverse health effects

bathroom is routine work that must be done every day and never be missed. It seems simple to do, but the bathroom, which aims to preserve the health and clean and fresh body and skin rejuvenation and hair youth. But a lot of people have habits showers that already have a negative effect than positive. Yes, there are many still who do not know how to clean themselves before showering right as follows:

shampooing every day

Some people feel the need to wash every day to avoid greasy hair and a limp. But often washed off, it will be more hair greasy. In addition to cleaning the dirt, shampoo also removes the natural oils from the hair and scalp. Dry scalp hair trigger to produce more oil in the always retain moisture. As a result, oil production is very excessive and makes greasy hair and cause dandruff. You should wash your hair two or three days to allow time for the oil to spread to the ends of the hair, and feed and make it more healthy.

hot bath

take a bath comfortably relax hot sensation. But if every day you shower with hot water, the skin can become damaged. Hot water can dry skin and hair, and the erosion of the natural oils that moisturize the skin and make the pores open more. And enlarged pores make it easier for dirt and bacteria stick to and lodged in the skin. It should not be too frequent a hot bath. Interspersed with cold water or warm water.

hair drying towel with

rubbing his hair with a towel can actually make hair dry faster, but this harmful habit for your hair. Keep in mind, the hair is in a state of the most fragile and susceptible to damage when wet. The coarse texture towels can damage hair follicles and makes hair brittle even cracked. After shampooing, simply tap tap of the hair using a towel, and also can finish it for a few minutes, or let it dry naturally.

rubbing wear every day

quite a few people who believe that the skin should help to renovate in order to always look fresh and young. One way to exfoliate the skin using a scrub every day. This was the wrong style, body scrub with a scrub every day can get rid of dead skin cells and sebum. In fact, it is not supposed to be completely wiped out because it serves to protect the skin from harmful external factors dead skin cells. In addition, the sebum is also important to keep the humidity. If it is removed, the skin will become rough and dry, triggers the skin to produce natural oils excessive. Peel once a week enough, and then continued with membalurkan olive oil or body lotion.

barber before Mandy

Whether it’s shaving body hair, mustache, beard or intimate areas, and avoid doing so before showering because it can increase the risk of ingrown hair ( ingrown hairs ) and irritation. The best time to shave is after a shower. And running water hair straighteners, open pores and the pores so that the skin surface softer. Shaving ritual a lot easier and the results can be more smooth and slick.

do not brush loofah bath

usually used loofah brush body to clean the skin, as well as a mild peeling of the skin. Many people who do not clean the bathroom equipment after use, and can cause health problems. Cosmetics tend to be moist and place of bacteria and germs nesting favorite. Not to mention the dead skin cells that accumulate, will make a loofah or brush unhealthy increasingly. Using toiletries dirty can cause skin irritation ranging from itchy, red, red to infection. Wash bathing equipment after 3-4 times of use by soaking in warm water and detergent mixture.

Mandi yang memberikan efek buruk terhadap kesehatan

Bath that gives any adverse health effects

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