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Thirst is a symptom of a lack of body fluids to avoid drinking ice

Do not wait for thirst. House is a symptom of a lack of body fluids . Workers in the open air heavy and the staff offices of caution because of the risk of drinking water shortages. The long hours in the air conditioning room and sweat to make every person in the room do not feel thirsty. Especially in women, on women’s health remember the consumption of water at least 2 liters a day, but often do not consume ice cubes to refresh the body when you feel thirsty. Missed may sound simple and harmless. In fact, if it dragged on, and this practice can lead to the deterioration of his health. Many people do not care about the number of eating sufficient amounts of water to the body.

In fact, dehydration can lead to dehydration. These conditions make the power of concentration, and the ability to think, and to reduce a person awake. If this happens, the potential negative impact on the quality of work and productivity is higher. Worse than that, in the long term, dehydration can lead to deposition in the kidneys.

deposit which is often referred to as kidney stones occur when people are in many cases dried. Drought cause low urine volume. A urine need to remove metabolic waste.

If the volume is a little urine, the urine will be more focused and tend to precipitate. Low temperatures for air-conditioning did not make people do not feel thirsty. In fact, without realizing it, though, than just moderate activity, body fluid secreted in every second. The only way is to replace fluids by drinking water. Water consumption is very important to restore fluids unwillingly out of the body.

What about the examples in outdoor work every day chore directly exposed to the scorching sun. Hot body feels eager to consume ice for ice cubes, for example, so I feel fresh.

Haus adalah gejala tubuh sudah kekurangan cairan hindari minum es batu
House is a symptom of the body a lack of fluids to avoid drinking ice

not ice cubes that are sold in the common market because they are healthy?

ice cubes are often provides complementary products with a cool drink and considered safe for consumption.

known as the frozen water ice cubes. This happens when it is frozen water cooled below 0 ° C. Water used in the manufacture of ice cubes that water must meet standards of health and sanitation. Sanitation and hygiene value of sound that the food / drink is the absence of coliform bacteria.

E. coli is used as the parameter for Escherichia coli are normal intestinal flora outside with feces source of infection from food and beverages. The presence of bacterial contaminants cause poor quality of the ice cubes. It must not contain the disease to drinking water bacteria (germs). Beverages unhealthy / and not through the boiling process, can cause poisoning because of bacteria contained in the water.

symptoms appear after eating the food and drinks that are not healthy, among other things sick vomit dizziness drought fever abdominal pain , and diarrhea . According to research conducted in the city of Padang, it was found that 88.9% of the sample of ice cubes families do not meet the health requirements. 9 samples of ice cubes home he studied, and it was eight-value index numbers probably (APM) ± 979/100 ml and 1 ml samples 0/100.

From these studies it can be concluded that the ice cubes health and hygiene families in the city of Padang, contaminated with bacteria E.coli. According to the regulations of the Prime bum determine the maximum microbial and chemical contaminants in food fairly . Where the values ​​APM index coli for ice cubes is Total Plate Count ( ALT ) 10000 colonies / gram. As other studies have been conducted in Yogya. A total of 66.67% of the sample ice cubes have ALT values ​​exceed BPOM.

here are the characteristics to distinguish ice made from the raw water and cooked cubes. Snow White from the raw water Lalla There are still a lot of gas that is trapped in it. Usually, ice made from untreated water is ice cubes. Ice is clearly not taken well, especially when taken out of the river water, which is contaminated. ice of boiling water and it will look clear gas that was released when the boiling process . Usually called ice ice crystals. Therefore, for the manufacture of ice cubes should use water that has been boiled so as to ensure that hygiene. Source BPOM .

 Es dari air matang akan terlihat bening karena gas didalamnya terlepaskan ketika proses perebusan
es of boiling water will look clear gas liberated when the boiling process

Thirst is a symptom of a lack of body fluids to avoid drinking ice

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